Flower Show Definitions
- Accesory
- An object used in a subordinate manner to enhance a design. An accessory may be made of non-plant material, or plant based material. (An object that dominates a design is a Feature.) A design incorporatingan accessory should appear incomplete if the accessory is removed.
- Annual
- A plant that completes its life cycle from seed to seed with one growing year. The seed germinates to produce a plant with flowering shoots, which dies completely after seed production.
- Biennial
- A plant that requires two growing seasons to complete its life cycle. Leaves are formed during the first year, flowers and seeds the following season, and then the plant compeletely dies away.
- Bloom
- An individual flower, with one on a stem. Specimen blooms should be disbudded for exhitbition purposes.
- Bowl
- A container whose height is less than, or the same as, its width at its widest point.
- Collection
- A specified number of cut flowers, potted plants, fruits, and/or vegetables exhibited for horticultural perfection.
- Crescent Design
- A design in the shape of a partial circle.
- Cultivar
- Short for ‘cultivated variety’. A variety of plant of cultivated origin.
- Daffodil
- A narcissus with a long trumpet in the centre, longer than the outer petals. All daffodils are narcissus, but not all narcissus are daffodils.
- Disbudding
- Removal of surplus buds along stem or in axil of plant to promote growth of terminal bud.
- Dish Garden
- A number of horticulturally compatible plants growing in a shallow, open portable container.
- Feature
- Any object used as a dominant component in a design. Afeature may be made of non-plant material, or it may have been manurfactured or crafted from plant-based material, e.g., rope, cotton fabric, wooden sculptures, woven baskets, milled lumber, paper.
- Foliage Design
- A design in which foliage predominates.
- Hardening Off
- Adjust plants to lower temperatures, a process of acclimatization, usually after plants are taken out from the house or greenhouse. Also, a natural process that occurs as the temperature gradually falls in the autumn.
- Herb
- Group of plants with savory, medicinal or aromatic properties, used for medicine, food, flavour or fragrance. Herb is also a botanical term for non-woody plants that die to the ground at the end of the growing season.
- Interpretive Design
- A design where a given theme, idea, occasion, mood, atmosphere, etc. is suggested by the selection and organization of the design elements.
- Line Design
- A design in which a linear pattern is dominant.
- Miniature Design
- Design must not exceed 12.7 cm (5 in.) in any dimension including the container, base and accessories.
- Narcissus
- Includes daffodils. The centre may be a tube as in daffodils, a small or large cup or even open to look like another circle of petals, but if the outer petals are longer than the inner cup shape, a flower cannot be entered as a daffodil.
- Novice
- A person who has
- Parallel Design
- A creative design with the dominant characteristic being three or more vertical groupings in, or appearing to be in, a single container, with sufficient space between each group to illustrate the parallel effect.
- Pavé
- In jewellery-making, a term that refers to setting stones so close together that no metal shows. In flower design pave is a technique of placing groups of plant material that have been cut very short, close together to form undulating mounds of colours, textures, shapes and sizes. Any plant material, e.g., flowers, foliage, cut stems, fruits, vegetables, moss can be used.
- Perennial
- A plant that lives more than two years or three seasons and normally flowers annually. Many die down during the winter but the roots are unaffected by frost and new growth appears as the weather improves and the temperature rises. The term usually applies to non-woody plants.
- Pinching Out
- The removing of the tip of a stem, either a flower bud or a leafy tip. This allows the side buds (found in the leaf axils below) to start to grow. There will be more flowers of an even, but smaller size, e.g., floribunda roses, or more bushy plants such as bedding chrysanthemums.
- Pot et Fleur
- An exhibit of growing plants, in or out of pots, packed lightly with moisture-retaining material, plus cut flowers in tubes of water, oasis, or other material, all assembled in one container. Moss, decorative wood and rock may be included. No cut foliage is permitted. However, cut flowering and/or fruited branches may be used.
- Small Design
- Design ranging from 13.9 - 25.4 cm (5.5 - 10 in.) and must not exceed 25.4 cm in any direction, including the container, base and accessories.
- Spike
- An arrangement of flowers on a stalk directly without stems.
- Spray
- A slender stalk bearing flowers or leaves cut from the main stem.
- Stalk
- The stem or main axis of a plant.
- Stem
- A slender stalk bearing flowers, leaves or fruit.
- Topiary
- A growing plant that is trained or pruned to a certain form or shape.
- Under Water Design
- A design with part(s) placed under water to create interest. Although the design must have part(s) under water, no definite percentage is required. The entire design may not be under water.
- Waterviewing Design
- Usually a line design in a shallow container(s)
with one-half to two-thirds of the container surface showing water.
- Weathered Wood
- A type of decorative wood that is altered in form, colour and/or texture by the forces of nature.